So to begin, I guess I must acknowledge that no originality on my part exists for the title of this blog. I have shamelessly stolen the title from a movie. I am no expert in copyright laws, but I doubt I'll be sued for it. But then again, perhaps I will.
I decided some time ago that I would begin a blog on blogspot. The biggest issue then became - what sort of blog would I write? I have friends, acquaintences and connections with an abundance of blogs on blogspot - and thus, have witnessed the many uses of a blog. That and I have a tendency to blogstalk-myspacestalk-facebookstalk, it's why they're there right? So, a friend of mine uses his blog to make instalments into a work in progress, known as ashtonx. I'm quite the fan of the story - and the writings not too shabby either. Another friend uses his to make random posts about random issues, sometimes to showcase his talent as a writer - oftimes to showcase his strong opinions, on the most mundane of issues. And many more examples exist for what a blog can be made into.
So, it is time now to decide what my blog will be. And that blog, ladies and gentleman, is going to be about me - my life. I know, how self-centred. But don't let that take you away from the awesomeness that will be The Mostly Unfabulous Social Life of Luke. Not only will this blog centre around me, because I'm that conceited, it will provide a social commentary of the not so intellectual kind, and at times I will delve into the random commentaries. I will let this blog become a place where I write anything I like! Yes, that beautiful concept known as freedom rears its ugly head. Notice how I said it was beautiful, then referred to it as having an ugly head? Does that make me profound or incredibly contradictory? You decide! SMS 131313! really, don't. It counts for nothing and you'll be wasting credit.
Anyway, I suppose I should add something of substance to this first post. I find myself in a dilemma with what that substance should be... I mean, should I write about me - what I do, who I am...or should I just shoot straight into condemning the world to hell because they sin against my religion? I think it wise, or perhaps I'm just using sentences that sound smart, to begin by telling you all who I am and give that general about me section in more depth. Oh and I don't really have a problem talking about myself. Have you noticed that everyone says in 'About Me' sections, how much they hate talking about themselves? Then you meet them, and it's about the only thing they can talk about - talk about false advertisement!
I am Luke. If you hadn't already figured that out, I'm not sure you have the calibre required of readership of this blog. And yes, I'm aware that sounds incredibly elitist, but heres the kicker. I'm from Frankston - there's nothing elite about me. Ain't it just a scream? No I'm pretty much being a tool, which I often do - so it guess it fits in with the AboutMe. I am 19 - soon to be 20. And yes that is actually depressing - no longer a teenager, it seems as if I have nothing to look forward other than depressing age landmarks. That's probably just me being melodramatic. That's not really strike that! I study Commerce - and yes I enjoy some parts of it, other parts not so much. Nothing I'm doing is incredibly difficult, sometimes the concepts and workload is intense but for the most part it's a breeze. I am yet, however, to decide if its right for me. By the time I decide, I would have most likely finished the degree and be working in a field when I realise that Journalism is where I want to go. It was one of my more serious ambitions in my younger years, but whatever happened to it I don't know. There's another thing about me, I've aspired to be so much and become so many different things and yet here I am in a Commerce degree, aiming to become an Economist - and that is not one ambition I had, not even in year 12 when I decided on Commerce because 'it made sense'.
I am undertaking said Commerce degree at Deakin University in Burwood. I love the campus and the atmosphere, and the few close friends I have made. When I was in Year 12, I hadn't even decided what course I wanted to get into. I had a general idea of what I was interested in, but no real clear course to head into. So I went to the one Open Day my roster would allow, which was at Deakin. Upon arriving at Deakin I immediately decided that's where I wanted to go. The staff were nice, the campus was pretty - for lack of a better word, and it just seemed me - or at least the atmosphere did. So it was after deciding I wanted to go to Deakin that I decided that Commerce or Commerce/Law would be what I intend to do. Then I began researching Commerce at other universities, for back up - and realised that I would only satisfy Deakin's entry requirements with the right ENTER score, because I lacked the forethought to be doing mathematics at a more difficult level than further! So it seemed at this point, that my path was clear. And with ENTER just shy of that asked for Commerce/Law, Commerce it was! And it took much encouragement from many mentors and friends, to get me through the first year. I'll have it known that first year commerce, is so ridiculously boring - the slitting the wrists concept seems fun!
So that accounts for my academic life. To move onto my social life; I am a homosexual. *GASP*. I know, right? And while that hardly satisfies what my social life entails, it has been one of the more exercised facades of my social life recently. Up until December of last year, despite being over 18 - I blatantly refused to enter the scene. After much protesting, begging and thoroughly being annoyed by one friend, who I won't name AARON, I made the venture. Since then, it has practically occupied my free time. Prior to that, I was very much into the straight nightlife and maintained close ties with quite a few friends from high school. While those ties strayed with my ventures, and with ventures of their own - I have only two close friends from High School who are, the most constant, grounded people in my life. And while they have suffered neglect from me disappearing into the 'gay world', they are still there - because that’s who they are. It doesn't matter what we're doing through, we're always there. It's that little blankey you couldn't part with as a child, I am proud to say I still have that little blankey - like I still have Cazi and Nander.
More on the topic of the gay world, Aaron introduced me to the scene - despite having some experience with it before, it was a totally different experience to what I was expecting. My views were contradicted and many values reconsidered, its taken quite some time to realise that those views and values need not have changed, as it was - the scene hadn't changed, I just saw it in a new light that is now beginning to fade. While I am thankful I have met some of the greatest people and friends you could ever ask for, there's always that side of the scene I struggle to participate in and that is enough to give anyone an inferior complex that you wear with you whenever you go. This is me being melodramatic again.
Anyway, I think that's just about enough for today. This post is massive. Does this thing have spell-check? I hope so... I would be nothing without it!
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awwwwww, how touching!!! (not in the way you're thinking though). You better still write nice 'loveliness' like that when you're over in canadia-land. I can't believe it. All the things we've got up to since year twelve and whats the first comes to mind when you think of our twisted triangular relationship.
....a security blanket
forget to mention the fact that YOU ARE THE LOVE CHILD OF CAZI AND MYSELF!!! you always will be! theres nothing you can do to change that lukey dezz. accept it, and move on.
excuse the craziness of my response to your blog, it really is very lovely! And I would like a 12 month subscription to your magazine and weekly newsletter
Oh, why thankyou for the touching sentiment Nander. And yes, in the way I am thinking!
And of course, what else would I think of after all that time, other than a security blanket!? I want to be known as more than your love child, of a disgraceful cross-generational interracial incestual relationship!
well, I was going to be the first to post comments but i missed out. Oh well! :-(
What do I think of Lukes Blog? Is it fabulous? Is it unfabulous (is that a word?)?
I'm waiting to read Lukes review of the Absolutely Fabulous HOLDING THE MAN play he saw last week and the Absolutely Fabulous people he saw it with in stalls Row K !
Todays Quote:
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me: "You're next."
They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
Luke Henson says:
commment it :P
Luke Henson says:
see if i get lots of comments
Luke Henson says:
my blog will appear to be the hub of activity
Luke Henson says:
...and appearances are everything.
Okay Luke.
Comment :P prick :P
I'm not sure about this blog thing...I feel there isn't enough mention of me here...
Nor me, I thought we really had a moment on thursday night discussing Thruees and flutes in your orifice? Hmmm. Very purdy tho. I liked the part about the pink pony, uh... i mean aaron..
I don't know. I thought the blog had too much andrew. I find his character to lack something. :p (I'm hoping that's andrew sunbury and I haven't wasted an insult on some new andrew...)
Yay, another blog to read at lunchtime. PS. Your logic in choosing commerce is, um, interesting.
Flawed, I think is the word you're looking for :P
As an expert in Copyright law, there is not enough substance for copyright to subsist in a one worded name for the title of a blog. Independent creation is possible. :)
Furthermore, YAY!
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