Monday, April 28, 2008


I am so sad, so so sad...the end of Ashton X has arrived, and might I say ladies and gentlemen, what an incredible journey it was! Luke, the author, has an enviable talent and whatever inspired Asthon X, needs to be placed on a pedastool. Developing Ashton's character in rather intricate fashion, I fell in love with a fictional brother of a superhero...and I hate, hate Luke for taking that away from me!! Now I have to go back to living my life vicariously through television shows, rather than the Ashton X world I jumped into, unknowingly might I add. Luke giveth, and Luke taketh away!

However, despite the fact I really dislike the story ending - Luke has to be acknowledge for his great work and dedication. I know, myself, that I've undertaken the somewhat laborious task of trying to write a story. If the story was intended be any longer than a few thousand words, it never made it. I lose interest too quickly, it's like - because I know where the story is going, I'm bored! It's like when you re-read a book, that really wasn't that great the first time, so you never finish it. That's exactly what its like when I set out to write a story. So, I must give Luke credit for his perseverance. Oh god, how I hate that word... but I think that's for another blog.

So lately, I've been doing assignments and I'm thoroughly over it. I handed in my fifth assignment for the semester today, and given that I've been working on it through my ANZAC weekend and the week before it, I took a well deserved break tonight. That well deserved break consisted of watching the launch of Big Brother Australia 2008 - at which, I scoffed. Then watching Desperate Housewives, where Bree Vandercamp taught me an important lesson. "You can raise a mans hopes without ever satisfying them, I've been doing it all my life". What a glorious inspiration she is! Now, I'm watching Friends, writing this blog, annoying both Danny and Lee on msn with nudges and distracting them from their honest work (which I am pleading so vehemently for them to set aside).

There was a highlight to my weekend, however. Despite all the work I got done, I actually found time to make some goals for myself. While on the ABS website gathering "empirical evidence" for my pathetic HR research essay, I got distracted and ended up in the Careers section of the website. Of those who know me, and of those who read my first blog are all quite aware that I'm not really sure where I want my degree to take me. I've chosen my majors based on what I enjoyed and was good at, although neither were my first preference (I would have preferred Commercial Law, it's a useless major unless I'm doing accounting and finance, which I refuse to do). So, I looked at the Careers section and took a gander at their graduate positions, and I found myself interested - and just as equally shocked that I was mind you, in most of the graduate positions they were offering. It was then, that I decided, that's what I'm aiming for. I'm actually interested in what they have to offer, now its just up to me to get there. It might mean a move to Canberra when I graduate, which is most definitely a down side, but well worth it for the career. Hopefully this will be enough to motivate me to do more work - or at least, do quality work as opposed to the half-assed work I've been turning in.

On another note, having my wisdom teeth removed was possibly not the best move. While I know it is better in the long run for them having been removed, but right now I'm not feeling any benefit. Aside from the infection I got after them being removed, I'm still in pain! My teeth are still adjusting to the new space, which has lead to my gums being inflamed and I'm thoroughly over it because it's actually quite painful. On top of that, one of the holes hasn't even begun closing yet and that too is inflamed. To add insult to injury, the surgeon missed a part of one of wisdom teeth which is now deciding it wants to protude out of my gums - causing yet even more pain. However, multiple visits to my dentists and there is some hope for some temporary relief. I tell you what, if I end up not being able to afford my exchange trip next semester I'm blaming my teeth. I have spent, as well as my parents, thousands of dollars on them recently - all thanks to my wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the devil! ...Was that a disgusting paragraph?

Perhaps it's my Enya-tastic craze I'm having, but I find myself missing a lot of people lately. I can't seem to satisfy my desire to see Cazi and Nander, doesn't help Cazi's working like a black bitch (hah, oh wait, she is!), and Nanders too studious for his own good. I haven't had a good night out with them, and by good I mean ridiculously intoxicated night out, in quite some time. Both mine and Nander's birthdays are approaching, its the incredibly insignificant 20 - so I feel we should revert to tradition, hire a hotel room at Crown or Pacific International, drink copious amounts of jagermeister and vodka, head to Famous or some other club and dance our hearts out. In true tradition, if celebrating my birthday Nander will be hanging his head in the toilet before we had out, vice versa if celebrating his birthday. And to keep with tradition, I'll pike it really early (1 - 2 am) and I'll wake up when him and Cazi are getting back to the hotel. We'll get another few hours sleep before walking around the city aimlessly to ensure the alcohol is out of our systems to guarantee a safe drive home! I feel I'm in need of one of those times.

Speaking of my birthday, I don't know what I plan to do but I have a list of people I would like to see for my birthday. While that list is not conclusive, that is - there are other people I would like to see also, its just these people I have not seen in some time, or I don't feel I'm seeing enough of! I am a social person, I have huge demands on peoples times!
The list is as follows (in no particular order): Cazi, Nander, Emilee, Aaron, Andrew, Paul, Luke, Danny, Leigh, Jess, Jenny, Danni, Caity, Brigid, Teegy and Limor.
Again, this list is not conclusive - I'd like to see A LOT of people on my birthday!! Those people just fall in the category of "I'd better finally see you, or hang you with more, because I don't see you enough!".

I think that shall conclude this post. Yes, it shall.


Tom said...

I shall say that Who ever the fuck decided wisdom teeth should be called wisdom teeth obviously had his or hers removed at birth, because he is not very wise for making them.

BLAH Wisdom teeth. Hope i never get them.

Anonymous said...

Lol I am trying to do honest work, but you keep making me distracted by reading a blog about your wisdom teeth, or nudging me :P.

I hope lee is doing better than me so far :P.

This assignment is due in at 4pm today!!!


Anonymous said...

As if I was doing work in the first place

I scoff at your suggestion of me doing work.


Don't move to canberra. Careers are everywhere, friends are here.

*fist shake* dooo itttt

Furthermore, I demand a place in this boozefest scheme.



Anonymous said...


I refer to the blatant omission regarding your "unfabulous" social life. Seeings that it was not worthy of a mention in your oh so comprehensive ramblings, I will simply quote a few musings of my own.....

"he doesn't do anything - or anyone"

"binge drinking puts holes in your aura"


....'nuff said - you almost 20 year old....almost 20 year old!

Luke! said...

Ahaha you n00b. and im quite content with the holes in my aura, if only that lady wasn't being given details of my sex life at the time!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Thanks for the kudos and ad for Ashton X. :) And double yay for 20th birthday celebrations! And boo to wisdom teeth. (I'm sure I heard somewhere if you have a lot of calcium in your diet they can grow back. I'm so cutting back on milk!)